We are an inner-city ministry focused on sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ to our Community as a gift to be received, nurtured, and then shared with someone else.
Our foundational principles are:
A Heart that Loves God – Matthew 22:37; Deut. 6:5
Each believer will be encouraged to seek the will of God daily in their life (1st John 2:15-17) and will show evidence of a true regeneration that has taken place inside of the heart of each member. (Romans 5:5).
Loving others – Matt. 22:39; John 13:34-35
Just as Jesus commanded us to love one another as he loved us, this is not a compromising love that accepts sin but rather and understanding love that is able to show forth through the believer a sincerity that reflect the same care God has for them and seeing them eventually redeemed through the avenue of love.
Sharing the Gospel – Matthew 24:14, 28:19-20
As a community of believers we are committed to carrying the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all world. This is the primary goal that Marsh Grove seeks to accomplish, building in each believer the confidence and the courage to share what they have been given with others through their living and their testimony of Christ and what He has done in their life and what He wants to do in others.